1. With proper care, a doll of any type can last a while. Personally, I prefer silicone because it is inert, meaning it can’t change forms whereas TPE Thermal Plastic Elastomer is known for changing shape again when subjected to heat.
2. The market is full of different TPE blends. In fact, they can be very very different. Very true TPE and silicone formulas vary wildly from manufacturer to manufacturer. None are equal. The best thing is to do your research by looking in the manufacturers’ maintenance and repair sections.
3. If you are only gonna be able to afford one doll for the next 5 to 10 years, get a silicone lady. They are proven to last a long time if you take care of them. They are hypoallergenic. They are easier to clean and maintain. They are easier to repair when things go wrong. And their eyes don’t bug out when you do oral with them. That is why I have 2 silicone ladies.