What Are Sex Dolls Made Of?

What Are Sex Dolls Made Of?

Almost all sex dolls are made of either TPE or silicone, with metal skeletons underneath. In addition there are some niche categories like plush, foam or inflatable plastic, all of which are much cheaper and lighter but doesn’t feel nearly … Continued
Does WMDolls have soft skin options?

Does WMDolls have soft skin options?

A large number of customers are quite new to dolls, and the first one you get is generally the one you make your biggest mistakes with. If you make a mistake with a standard softness doll it is almost never … Continued
Am I the only guy who likes very small breasts?

Am I the only guy who likes very small breasts?

1. You’re not alone because I’ve always found petite women with small breasts very erotic. The dolls with huge breasts don’t do anything for me at all. I have noticed that large-breasted dolls must be popular considering how commonly they … Continued
What is the TPE Sex Doll?

What is the TPE Sex Doll?

TPE sometimes is referred to as thermoplastic rubbers. It is a class of copolymers or a physical mix of polymers (usually a plastic and a rubber) that consist of materials with both thermoplastic and elastomeric properties. TPE finds large application … Continued
Will you guys hide your dolls?

Will you guys hide your dolls?

1. I am embarrassed and I don’t want to be thought of as a pervert so I hide my dolls. But I think today in society there is still a big stigma around being a doll owner. I think people … Continued