1. You may want to stop shopping until she gets there. I’ve found a lot of clothes I bought haven’t fit, especially shoes. Also, you’ll want to learn how to dress her. It’s not as easy as you might think. That will also affect what clothes you decide to buy.
2. I lost count long ago, I have stopped buying so much. But every now and then I find something cheap and sexy which I must have. I don’t even have closet space, I just stuffed it all in this one drawer. No idea how much is actually in there, but it’s a lot. Some of it, I haven’t even used yet. I may have overdone it.
3. I did a little bit of shopping before my doll arrived, but didn’t go crazy as I was aware that stuff may not fit. Managed to get her a multipack of panties that fit well. Over and above that, I’ll get her something smart to wear, and some casual clothes for lounging about the house in. Probably end up spending more on her than I do myself!
4. My girls have so many clothes I’m not sure they have even worn half of them! There’s a wardrobe full, a chest of drawers full (although the biggest drawer is full of shoes), and piled on top of the chest of drawers is a heap at least 18inches deep! There are two bedside sets of drawers full of jewelry, makeup, scarves, hats, and accessories (like the stuff they’ve used in photoshoots)!
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