1. With my last doll it was the kissing and touching and the clothing she had on was so soft with my new one it will be the same except her clothes will have pheromone perfume on them which is very effective stuff which I found out during the week 8.
2. The skin tone may change over time too. At first, I was more or less unable to complete the sex as I would go limp and have to use porn in the middle to get hard again. This quickly passed but then progressed to watching porn at the same time and then to only using audio from porn while doing it. Porn-assisted sex probably lasted a couple of months.
Now all I do is dimming the lights, get close to my doll, whisper some in her ears, kiss her, and rub my hand over her body and I’m ready to go. Never going limp and sex is better than ever. Especially if I get a position where I can look into her eyes.
Some perfume helps too.